2.4.2 URL to redirect to after logout; 2.4.3 . Download module source for your Drupal version from the . In this module, it is done by clicking the "Login with Shibboleth" link.
Redirect user to a page after login with Rules Model but there is a catch. 1 year 32 . PSD to Drupal Theme . Drupal Development . Module Development . Get an Estimate
Redirect the user to a URL after a form has been processed. . Login or register to post comments . Drupal Core; Modules; Themes; Installation Profiles
drupal_redirect_form in includes/ form.inc Redirect the user to a URL after a form has been processed. . user_login in modules/ user/ user.module Form builder; the .
Path redirect Drupal module. This module allows you drupal redirect after login module to specify a redirect from one path to another path or an . User login
Hi all, Im trying to redirect a user to a second form after he submitted . User login . Home
Drupal video that shows how to redirect a user after logging into a Drupal .
drupal redirect after login module
Drupal hook_user tutorial: redirect user after login . modules (151) overview (23) performance .
What we need: redirect to each user's specific page after their login. What we have tried: Login Toboggan module: can be direct to each user's profile page, however .
In Drupal 6 this can be done with core modules like this: enable Trigger module . same action with other triggers, but
Changing the 'redirect' value of a Drupal node form . that a for redirects to after submission, you usually should set $form_state['#redirect . function my_module_example .
redirect after login . drupal uses drupal_goto function to redirect page. have a look through user.module searching for
"drupal_goto .
Just found this very useful looking module for Drupal - it allows you to redirect users to a set page after they log in, this can make more sense then just sending .
. login_security - anti bruteforce login attempts module http://drupal.org . Remember Me"
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