Journal of Athletic Training is a professional journal for athletic trainers, coaches, and physicians, focusing on sports medicine. Since it was founded in 1956, it .
The information leader in physical activity and health. . International Journal of Athletic Therapy & Training (IJATT) is a bimonthly journal containing regular .
Current Issue - Volume 6, Issue #3 Vision: Enhance health care by advancing athletic training education. Mission: The journal serves as an interface between the .
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Journal of Athletic Training. Publications: 203 | Citations: 153. Interests: Physiology
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Journal of Athletic Training a direct link to the table of contents from the journal maintained by NATA. NOT full text. Access to full text of this journal is .
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A new study published this month in the Journal of Athletic Training (JAT) the scientific journal of athletic training publication of the National Athletic Trainers' Association, reports that the .
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